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About DFK International


DFK International is a top 10 international association of independent accounting firms and business advisers. 

DFK International is one of the world’s leading associations of independent accounting, legal, tax and business advisory firms, bringing together top-rated professional service firms to enable them to provide outstanding services to their clients. The association has been helping its Member Firms meet the needs of clients with international business interests for more than 60 years. Member Firms are chosen for the quality of service they provide in terms of both technical competence and service delivery. Members of the association that include DFK in their firm's name are classified as Network Firms in compliance with EU and IFAC requirements

The association has been meeting the needs of clients with interests in more than one country for over 50 years. The partners in its member firms share:

  • enthusiasm for fully understanding client objectives and delivering   effective advice 


  • dedication to providing personal and timely services through experienced advisers 


  • commitment to achieving consistent professional and ethical standards. 


Each DFK member is an independent legal entity in its own country. DFK International is a non-profit making consortium of independent firms and does not itself practice in the field of accountancy and does not provide business advisory service. Such services are provided by the independent member and correspondent firms of DFK International.

A grouping of members who include DFK in their firm's name are classified as network firms in accordance with EU and IFAC requirements. Member firms that do not include DFK in their firm's name are not network firms and belong to the association as either Full or Correspondent Members.

For more information follow DFK International website:


DFK Eastern European Members Meeting  in Budapest, 6th November 2019

© DFK Romania, 7th Oitelor Str., 1st floor, Bucharest, APC House

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The site includes links to external sites. DFK Romania is not responsible for the content of these sites. 

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